What You Carry determines on what is expected from you...
It is a fact that trucks and lorries that carry heavy loads and burdens need strong 'Rims and Shocks' to thrive.
It is also a fact that rubbers and thieves will only attack those that have something at hand,for them to be able to collect from.
Know this today; if you don't have anything to offer then the Devil will not attack you, if you don't carry something that is worthy of possing any form of threat to the kingdom of the enemy he won't attack you...
Remember to every man HE has deposited a gift or more, no man is left redundant. But, it now depends on what is deposited in you and how you maximize and harness what ever gift that has been deposited in you, and also how you can build yourself to the optimal level that will now determine what stuff you are made of.
Don't you think it's high time you quit living a shallow Christian life? , don't you think its high time you'd begin to acquaint yourself with the study of Gods word more than the usual? We are in the very last days and you need to update and upgrade your knowledge of God's word and understanding of HIS desires to HIS required Standard that is needed for the Time and era we find ourselves in.
God currently wants you to be much more effective and proactive just like Apostle Paul and the Disciples of old who were relentless in the pursuit of spreading the Gospel to all Nations of the World knowing the Joy that awaits the Saints in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The constant study of HIS word would increase knowledge of HIM in you and Love for HIM the more. Remember, God created man in a unique and exceptional manner; HE created man(Women inclusive) to have 'Flesh and Blood', HE created man to have something that every other spirit beings do not have "a Soul", and HE most importantly created man to fellowship with HIM for this purpose HE created man in HIS image and likeness.
So, it is unfair to make our creator feel lonely and ignored when you refuse to come to the point of cordial and mutual relationship with HIM in the place of prayer and constant study of HIS word. HE longs for your fellowhip with HIM.
And be sure that all other things will be added unto you, every other thing which you seek and search for will be made available to you after you have given HIM that which HE desires.
The Gospel seem to grow a bit cold in this part of the world because, you have refused to join in the push for it (remember the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few... Matthew 9:37, Luke 10:12) and preparing with high expectations of the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which HE comes with our reward for good stewardship.
So, what then do u carry?
Just a vague image and shallow knowledge of HIM in your mind? or an In-depth and clear understanding of who HE is?
The Lord does not seek those who are lukewarm, HE seeks a vibrant Church that will be hot for HIM till HE returns...
Remember HE said:
"I will spit you out from my mouth if you are neither hot nor cold... Revelation 3:16"
Just a vague image and shallow knowledge of HIM in your mind? or an In-depth and clear understanding of who HE is?
The Lord does not seek those who are lukewarm, HE seeks a vibrant Church that will be hot for HIM till HE returns...
Remember HE said:
"I will spit you out from my mouth if you are neither hot nor cold... Revelation 3:16"
Do you know what you carry?
This can only be answered based on your fellowship with HIM in the place of Prayer and constant study of the Word. If you have not unleashed what has been deposited in you, then you need to awake from your slumber and know that your quota for the job at hand is earnestly needed. Come on board and give your own unique flavor, for this same purpose the Lord deposited that gift or gifts in you and has called you HIS service.
This can only be answered based on your fellowship with HIM in the place of Prayer and constant study of the Word. If you have not unleashed what has been deposited in you, then you need to awake from your slumber and know that your quota for the job at hand is earnestly needed. Come on board and give your own unique flavor, for this same purpose the Lord deposited that gift or gifts in you and has called you HIS service.
Enough of sitting on the fence, the harvest truly is ripe and plenteous, but the laborers are indeed few.
Do not despise your "piece in the puzzle", no man will do your portion for you except yourself.
Do not despise your "piece in the puzzle", no man will do your portion for you except yourself.
Once again I write to remind you that we are living in a very delicate time where living outside the will of God is detrimental to anyone. This call is to those who have been having that urge to comeback to HIS love, to those who have been observing that there's something unusual lying within and to those who have the mark for stewardship on them for these last days.
I beckon on you to let go all that seem to be of importance of this world, come and embrace that which is of great reward to your eternity.
I beckon on you to let go all that seem to be of importance of this world, come and embrace that which is of great reward to your eternity.
I leave these words with you "to make haste now that their is time and seek Him now that you can find Him", till I write to you again.
Remember to continue to live a life which is ready for rapture.
Remember to continue to live a life which is ready for rapture.
Yours In His Vineyard
Please be kind to support our ministry(THE CHRONICLE ARK CHURCH) as we have come to the phase where we need financial support from friends of the Gospel and lovers of God's work earnestly.
We are trying to get help in the area of both "Sound and Musical equipments." We know someone out their will come to our aid and help give us a voice to reach lost souls and win more souls for the Lord in this perilous and end time.
For me as a preacher, it's better for me to ask in sincerity than to go about it in a dubious and ungodly fashion(way) that would end up putting my relationship with God at risk and defeating the purpose of the Gospel.
Please feel free to call:
+234 905 510 3325, +234 803 693 7833
To know how you can be of support to the work of God in our hands.
Remember it's not my work, but His work and He needs you to support us in wherever means necessary for the sake of the Gospel.
God bless you, and please keep living a life that is ready for RAPTURE!
Pastor Chidi Ohanum.